Our Services

Pagoda offers university admissions consulting and career consulting, to help students achieve long-term success in education and their early careers.

We believe every student is unique and therefore our approach to every client is bespoke.

The Pagoda Programme (outlined below) is tailored to each individual to help students build success, depending on where they are in their journey.

We also offer one-off sessions, services, or shorter, customised packages.

  • Career coaching sessions

  • Interview strategy and preparation (including mock interviews)

  • CV / Resume writing and optimisation

  • Personal statement / Cover letter support

  • LinkedIn profile writing and optimisation

  • Psychometric tests coaching

Get in touch to arrange a free consultation.

The Pagoda Programme


Age Group
14 - 16 year olds (Secondary School)


Build a profile by identifying strengths, defining interests, and laying a solid foundation for a competitive future


8 weeks


  • Strengths and personality assessment

  • Early profile building and direction setting; considering academics, extracurriculars, passion projects, community service and leadership skills

  • Publish personal brand and establish an online presence

  • Define a short-term action plan ahead of applying to university


Age Group
18 - 22 year olds (University)


Build lifelong skills for a successful career and enhance employability through meaningful work experience


12 to 18 months


  • Profile building

  • Narrative development for internships/development opportunities

  • Application strategy for internships/development opportunities

  • Execute application strategy (cover letters, CVs)

  • Career skills workshops

  • Interview coaching


Age Group
16 - 18 year olds (High School/Pre-University)


Achieve offers to target universities through competitive and compelling applications


6 to 12 months


  • Profile building

  • Narrative development for undergraduate applications

  • Application strategy; including a list of target universities

  • Execute application strategy (personal essays, CVs)

  • Interview coaching


Age Group
20 - 25 year olds (Final Years at University/Graduates)


Achieve offers to target postgraduate programmes or graduate jobs


12 to 18 months


  • Profile building

  • Narrative development for postgraduate programmes and/or graduate jobs

  • Application strategy; including a list of target programmes and/or jobs

  • Execute application strategy (personal essays/cover letters, CVs)

  • Career skills workshops

  • Interview coaching